At the EHMSG XXXI International Congress gaves poster presentation on results of VOGAS project

At the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group XXXII International Workshop, which took place in Innsbruck, Austria, from 5 to 7 September, The VOGAS project was represented by a poster presentation (the first author Reinis Vangravs) “VOC emission sampling from Helicobacter pylori cultures”.

R.Vangravs with his poster “VOC emission sampling from Helicobacter pylori cultures”

Experience has been exchanged within the framework of the VOGAS project

A senior post-doctoral researcher of the University of Innsbruck Dr. Pawel Mochalski, Head of the Endoscopy department of National Cancer institute of Ukraine MD Irina Razumeiko and Clinical Oncologist of the Department of minimally invasive and endoscopic surgery and interventional radiology MD Veronika Patsko, came to Latvia on an experience exchange within the framework of the VOGAS project.
The purpose of the visit of foreign colleagues was shareing of experience and approbation of methods in the process of obtaining volatile organic markers and stomach biomaterials, equipment assembly and use issues, as well as discussion of current issues of the VOGAS project.

Staff members of the Institute of Clinical and preventive medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI)- researcher Dr. Viktor Velik and senior laboratory assistant Marina Alentieva, as well as Ukrainian colleagues were trained in the installation and use of volatile organic marker equipment by Dr. Pawel Mochalski.
Also, the laboratory assistant Marina Alenteva together with Ukrainian colleagues conducted a questionnaire of the patient before the operation.
Dr. Pawel Mochalski and Reinis Vangravs, a research assistant of the LU KPMI, discussed the issues of culturing Helicobacter pylori.
LU KPMI leading researcher Sergey Isayev showed Ukrainian colleagues how to take biomaterial for research, as well as told about the pre-cancerous state of the stomach and the histopathology of the tumor.

During the visit gastroenterologist, gastrointestinal endoscopy specialist Ilze Kikuste demonstrated the gastric juice collection and gastric tissue biopsy procedures used in the study to foreign guests, as well as questions about entering patient and examination data into the Biobank electronic system were discussed.

Pawel Mochalski conducts training on installation and use of volatile organic marker equipment
Discussing with the Ukrainian counterparts the “Protocol on dietary products during the last 24 hours before the breath test”
The leading researcher Sergey Isayev demonstrates guests the procedure of taking biomaterials

Pawel Mochalski delivers a presentation on breath analysis

Today @PawelMochalski (Innsbruck University) is delivering a presentation on breath analysis to physicians and endoscopy nurses in Digestive Diseases Centre GASTRO (Riga, Latvia), the strategic partner for University of Latvia. GASTRO is the leading endoscopy and gastroenterology expert in Latvia, and this is planned that patients being referred for endoscopy to this centre will be recruited to the VOGAS project. Furthermore, GASTRO is going to share its expertise in endoscopy-related issues in research.

#VOGAS #UniversityofLatvia #InnsbruckUniversity #Latvia #GASTRO #endoscopy #breathanalysis

Pawel Mochalski delivering a presentation in Digestive Diseases Centre GASTRO
Physicians and endoscopy nurses in Digestive Diseases Centre GASTRO during presentation

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