Gidi Shani: Looking at the present and thinking of the future, VOGAS scientific coordinator share his thoughts on the project’s main achievements and what lies ahead for breath sampling technologies. /vogas-interview-series-gidi-shani/
Emmanuel Dias Neto: Key uptakes and main lessons learned during VOGAS, according to the project clinical investigator in Brazil. /vogas-interview-series-emmanuel-dias-neto/
Giovanna Sanchez Nieminen: How digital health tools and VOGAS could improve health equality? VOGAS Responsible Research and Innovation expert shares her thoughts on breath analyzers’ impact on health equality. /vogas-interview-series-giovanna-sanchez-nieminen/
Jan Mitrovics: JLM Innovation’s founder explains how does the basics of breath analysis and how VOGAS breath sampler works. /vogas-interview-series-jan-mitrovics/
Marcis Leja: “It is still longer way to go to clinical applications” VOGAS clinical investigator in Latvia shares his thoughts on the main challenges and achievements during the project. /vogas-interview-marcis-leja/